The Blood Below Issue 4 Author Morgan Quaid Artist Willi Roberts

Comic Book Review

5 out of 5 stars!

First and foremost! These comics go in order so if you haven't read "The Blood Below Issue One , Issue 2 or Issue 3" go read them first! Otherwise there will be some major spoilers and this review will be confusing. They are very quick reads since they are comics, you won't be disappointed!

"Fair warning Doc, it's been a Hell of a fucking week for me. . ." - Nick (this is an understatement!)

Finally! We are getting some answers! But of course only just enough. . .

Nick has caught a major suspect in this chaotic case! Only things get cut short and another lead pops up, one that may just spiral things even more. Not going in alone Nick recruits a new partner, Daisy with her "super powers". I guess the saying of "two heads are better than one" is actually true. Though having a strong body guard has its perks as well.

Is Nick actually getting closer to things or is he still grasping at straws? Will he ever find his partner? Jac has to be alive! He's not giving up on her or this crazy case.

"Yeah, shit's gonna get paranormal from her on in, Princess." - Nick

Wonderland certainly has nothing on Rust City! I enjoyed getting some answers to questions and some light shed on things. But of course, we still have many unanswered questions. Didn't realize how absorbed into the comic I was until I tried scrolling up and found I had come to the end. I was so excited with the cover art! We just aren't quite there yet. . .trying to wait patiently but it's difficult!

I love Daisy and her personality. I was very happy to see her again in Issue Three! From Issue One I just knew she was going to be a major part to things. I still want to know more of her backstory and how things came about for her. The big man who always follows her around and seems tethered to her for example.

There was some more explanation to things along with the "English" version. Sometimes scientist get too caught up and forget they aren't surrounded by other peers who would understand the terms. It's crazy how Morgan was able to think all of this up! Or at least piece things together to make scary sense, like it could actually happen!

Science, paranormal aspects, and mystery all tied into one?! Yes please. I cannot wait for the next issue to come out! I need more and I really want to see a whole comic with Rust City. There was mention of characters that had been presented in "Whiplash"! There aren't spoilers between the two just certain characters that are soon to be in both arcs or already in one.

Morgan Quaid created this universe and so there are multiple entry points for characters. This comic book series being Nick's entrance. And knowing what I do, he's in for a RIDE! The artist did such a great job with everything! Really loved how he drew the paranormal aspects of the book. And the ending panel. . .eeriness and all, I would hang that picture up in a frame!

This is a more horror themed and grittier comic series! Violence, gore, and language. Along with some disturbing images, I know there will be more especially the closer and more entangled we get with Rust. I am excited to see just how much of Rust is going to be given away with these comics!

Enjoy the read and give the author some stars!


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