
Rookie Recovery: Bobcat Boys Book 1 Authors Lex Veia & Jemma Croft

Book Review 4.5 out of 5 stars! "Can’t stay off the ice. Oh, I fucking knew it. Can’t stay off, and when you can’t physically get back on, you lurk around the edges like a ghost." - Jamie Jamie's trying to move on with his life since his pro hockey career came to an end. With a future semi-barely planned out he continues to be the Bobcat's PT. He has strict rules set for himself and to keep him from getting off track. That includes never, ever dating hockey players, he used to be one he knows how they are! Only when a famed rookie with a British accent saunters into his life. . .Jamie may have to rethink his rules. An old shoulder injury may just be the thing to bring the two opposites closer together. But Bowie's career is on the line and the season is about to start! Can Jamie get Bowie back out on the ice in time? Or will judgements be questionable. . ? "He probably hated Monsters, Inc. Or worse still, never watched it. Dismissed it as childish nonsense. O

Honeybites: HONEYBLOODS #2 Author I.S. Belle

Book Review 5 out of 5 stars! First and foremost! This series goes in order and ends on cliffhangers! Spoilers ahead if you haven't read book one yet! * * * * "Sadie Greer woke up dead." The bassist, the one who could potentially be Honey's sire got away! But our girls have to pause their murderous road trip to return to High School for Senior year. Bleh! If they don't return and act like everything is normal than it could confirm they were involved with the bands untimely demise. Plus, they're girlfriends now and undead! Only when a true crime video blows up in popularity amongst their peers everything changes. They need to lie in more ways than one to prove they weren't anywhere near the band! Things get really dicey when a Vampire Hunter shows up! Will the two be able to make it to the end of their senior year? Or will bloodlust take over and they won't have a class to graduate with?! Honey groaned. “Don’t be a baby! God. I was not this bad in my fi

These Fleeting Shadows Author Kate Alice Marshall

Audiobook Review Narrator: Megan Trout 5 out of 5 stars! "I PROMISE I will tell you the truth. But first, I need to lie." No one can escape Harrow. It won't let you go. You may leave and believe your freedom is won, but Harrow will always find a way to draw you back to its halls. . . With the passing of her father Rachel Vaughan decides it's time to return to Harrow, just for the funeral. Helen wishes to be there for her mother but something about the old manor has been calling to her. She's known for a longtime that she's needed to return. But why? She was just a small child when they fled the grounds of Harrow! Deep, dark family secrets will be found out, is Helen ready to fully face the truth behind the stones of Harrow?! "Beware the spiral. Find it's center." Whew this book is a bit of a long read if you don't speed it up just a little! But I love listening to audiobooks as I do things around the house so I'm fine with long reads in a

Trapped (MM Primal Play Novella): The Wicked Chase Book 2 Author Lola Malone

Book Review 3.8 out of 5 stars! "Soon now, mon papillon. My butterfly." - Arsène Another Wicked Chase is about to take place in the dark woods surrounding Monterrey Castle. Another night full of fear and anticipation as initiates are hunted down. Seeing which one of the four candidates can remain uncaught for two hours to claim their place in the Brotherhood. . . "Vengeance. That’s why I signed those damn papers. It’s what I feel every day when I climb those double-spiral stairs and follow the narrow halls." - Robin I love this novella series and the primal play that takes place in each book. Seeing how different couples react to one another and being caught within the Wicked Chase. Fair warning this installment centers around spiders and how they hunt their prey. One of the MMCs is obsessed with arachnids and even has pet spiders. Robin hates money and the titles that come with being from a wealthy family. It has messed up his life and controlled his decisions and

The Dare Author Natasha Preston

Audiobook Review Narrator: Phoebe Strole 4 out of 5 stars! "What's the worst that can happen?" - Marley Senior year of high school and the classic senior pranks are a go! Only in this small town there's a certain family who has control over everything. . . A family that has their final son graduating this year and no one refuses a senior dare from a Wilder! If you do, then be prepared to go down and possibly never get into college! Marley and her friends get caught in multiple dares one changing everything for the group! Soon Marley is questioning her future, and the fate of her friendships are being tested. Tensions are high and the truth of their actions is threatening to come to light. She should have just refused that dare! "We'll forever be those people we morphed into. There's no going back." I love listening to audiobooks as I do things around the house. I specifically love mystery, thrillers, suspense, etc. I enjoyed the narration of this boo

Sweets for the Beast: A Spicy Love Story Author L.M. Maretti

Book Review 5 out of 5 stars! "Your kind likes to call me a monster, a beast," he shrugs nonchalantly. "But you can just call me Nathan." Sometimes you forget an ingredient at the store, and you need to ask your neighbor for help. It started with a cup of sugar and ended with Catherine walking side to side. Her monster neighbor was very helpful, but she hopes this isn't a one-night stand!  "It's always the tongue that mesmerizes you humans." - Nathan This is a very fun and quick read! The book is only thirty-two pages long! Catherine needs a cup of sugar, the age-old classic. Knocking on her neighbor's door and hoping he isn't some creep. Only when she meets Nathan all common sense flies out the window! She's not typically a one-and-done person but this horned monster with a forked tongue has her questioning things. Maybe this won't just be a one-time thing! This read does contain language. I loved the dynamic between Catherine and

A House in Shadow Author Erica Damon

Book Review 5 out of 5 stars! "This really would be perfect. His perfect family, their perfect house." - Tristan Tristan and Allison decide it's time to move to a house out of the city. Tristan picking a small town to get that closeness feel and safety, everyone knowing everyone, and looking out for each other. This will be a great place to raise their daughter! Only as they settle into their new house odd things keep popping up. Doors slamming, Tristan opening doors that don't lead to the right places, and phantom people. The house can't possibly be haunted! Ghosts don't exist, right?! Allison doesn't believe him and so Tristan will have to battle this on his own. "He was ready to be done unpacking, and yet with each emptied box, there seemed to be another behind it." - Tristan I binge read this book in one night! I couldn't put it down especially after reading the ending of part one! This psychological, supernatural, thriller had me so inve

A Malicious Summer Vacation: Monsters of The Divide Book 3 Author T. B. Wiese

Book Review 5 out of 5 stars! First and foremost! I think for a better reading experience these novellas should be read in order. But it's perfectly fine if they're read out of order. Previous characters do make appearances in this installment!  * * * "The light breeze ruffles my short hair. It feels good. The day is already heating up. I love it. My mom used to joke that she destined me to love the hot weather when she named me Summer." - Summer Sometimes you just need a break from life and social media! Summer's way overdue for a vacation and because of unpleasant circumstances she takes an emergency one. Renting a house in a small town that she didn't expect to love so much. Not to mention her neighbors are sweet and she's able to enjoy peace and quiet. Even at night when apparently monsters should be trying to claw their way through the windows and doors! Summer doesn't fully understand the hierarchy that's in play within the town and her very

The Ashen Yard Author Jeff Spaur

Book Review 5 out of 5 stars! "Fine big shot, what did you do?" "Being born." - Brock Brock never asked for this life or to be born within the walls of the Ashen Yard. But he quickly learns that if he wants to live, he will have to quickly adapt and survive. Doing so is difficult when you are surrounded by criminals and a city run by "Lords". Glorified mob bosses who control the lives of people for their own amusements. . . Needing medicine for his mother only complicates things but Brock will do anything for his mom and her health! She's everything to him and nothing will stop him from getting what he needs for her. When the threat of a gang war comes about Brock will have to make choices. He's been fine tuned into a weapon for his Lord, but should Brock just accept orders and roll over? Something's not sitting right, and Brock soon wants answers. . . There's more going on within the Ashen Yard than meets the eye.  "There is no room f