Rule of the Aurora King: Artefacts of Ouranos Book 2 Author Nisha J Tuli

Book Review

5 out of 5 stars!

First and foremost! This series goes in order and ends on cliffhangers! Meaning this review will contain spoilers and be confusing if you haven't read the previous installment!







"The only thing left to decide is if I'll end the prince or his father first." - Lor

Lor's sick of prisons! Whether they are actual prisons that one would hope to never see, or ones gilded and covered in gold. A cage is a cage no matter how you spruce it up. . . Only this time she will not fall so easily for anything. Lor's guards are high as she tries to survive being in close proximity to the Darkling Prince, Nadir. She will never be swayed by a man again, even if her magic seems to respond to him.

Lor was tasked with finding the Heart Crown but how can she accomplish such a mission with the Prince hovering over her? She may just need to team up with him in hopes that he won't betray her. She will not trust him, and Nadir wishes to know all of her secrets regarding Lor's mysterious past. Can the two come to a truce and form an alliance? Will Lor get her revenge? And did anyone hear the rumors about Atlas. . ?

"I'm going to kill you." - Lor

"I can't wait until you try." - Nadir

After getting burned by the Sun King, Lor is seeing the world a bit differently. Taking a completely new approach on how she handles the Prince's "hospitality". Everyone wanting something from her but never just wanting her for who she is. It's no wonder our girl is jaded! I don't think Nadir was fully ready to handle the wild side of Lor.

Nadir knows he's on to something and his magic is making it clear he's on the right path. But the wildfire and his close friends seem to differ. He wants to get to the bottom of things but can't seem to get Lor to talk. Nadir's also having troubles keeping his mind focused and not dwelling solely on everything about Lor! He's baffled as to why his magic is reacting the way it is to Lor.

Something that broke me the most is when Nadir threatens to do worse to Lor if she doesn't start behaving. Lor then turns on him with teeth bared stating he could never do "worse" to her. She never really had time to process through her emotions because of being so overwhelmed by her journey thus far. You know someone's been through a great deal when you say you could do worse, and they tell you that you can't. . . There's mention of prison life and what Lor had to do just to survive. SA is something she had to deal with or threats of SA.

I'm thoroughly enjoying this series and cannot wait for more! The intrigue and some of my predictions being correct! I also love Lor's arc of rising above and becoming very strong, she already was but her growth is phenomenal. I enjoy the mystery of the plot and how puzzle pieces are coming together. And with this book we have two timelines going on at the same time! One is in the past featuring someone special and that's all I'm going to say. Loved reading about them and seeing things.

With this read we do have language, violence, bloodshed, and slight gore. This is a dark fantasy and again Lor's backstory will have you heartbroken. We get more of what she had to go through and it's intense. I don't want to go into details because it may spoil things but just be ready. There are scenes dealing with anxiety attacks, guilt, nightmares, and past trauma. The author chose a fantastic dedication and I love how Nisha spoils us with little recaps of book one! We also get a map! 

So, with the two timelines we get insta love with one couple but Lor and Nadir. . . Buckle up because it's a SLOW burn! The couple who are instantly attracted to one another we get MF action pretty quickly with them. Lor and Nadir are enemies to lovers with so much tension being built up between them! We do get a couple of intimate scenes with them but not the big one. I love the witty banter between the two of them and how neither back down from a challenge. Power dynamic and struggle along with "good girl" and hurt/comfort.

The cliffhanger will get you! I am ready for the next installment and being able to see more of the dual POVs as the story progresses. I hope I get to see more of one of my favorite characters who was introduced in this book in the next read! The dark fantasy series is fantastic, and I am ready!

Enjoy the high stakes fantasy with Fae and don't forget to give the author some stars!

Book 1 Trial of the Sun Queen: A Fae Fantasy Romance (Artefacts of Ouranos Book 1) eBook : Tuli, Nisha J: Kindle Store

Trial of the Sun Queen by Nisha J. Tuli, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

Book 2 Rule of the Aurora King: An enemies to lovers fae fantasy romance (Artefacts of Ouranos Book 2) eBook : Tuli, Nisha J: Kindle Store

Rule of the Aurora King by Nisha J. Tuli, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

Nisha J. Tuli Author (

Author Nisha J Tuli (@nishajtwrites) | TikTok

Nisha J Tuli | Fantasy Romance Author (@nishajtwrites) • Instagram photos and videos


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