Somebody to Treasure Author Lilly Avalon

Book Review

5 out of 5 stars!

"I'm taking you on a trip." - Jasper

Tabitha's relationship ended on a bad note. . . After NOT getting that dreamy moment she's content with crunching numbers at her job. Until a devilishly-handsome-tornado comes whirling into her office. Jasper, her best friend, has the perfect cure for her depression and it isn't staying there!

Ready to be whisked away to a tropical island? Did I mention there's close proximity? Two friends are suddenly faced with alone time together, were they ever "just" friends? Tabitha knows she's out of Jasper's league and only his friend, yet. . .

"What do you say we eat desert first?" - Jasper

Who doesn't want to get jerked out of the Mundane rat race and given an all-paid for vacation?! No questions asked, I would take one right now!

I absolutely loved this short story! It's only forty-four pages of pure romance and fluff. I loved the relationship the two had and even if I was able to call a few things, I didn't care! I needed this sweet, short read with all the ooy-gooey feelings.

Tabitha and Jasper are best friends with great banter and chemistry with one another. The buildup was perfect and I enjoyed the quick pace of things. We get to have multiple POVs as well as best friends to lovers trope! There's of course some spicy MF action in the book and some language.

This was a short story that had been previously featured in an anthology with other short stories. I really enjoyed this author's work and hope to read more by her in the future! It was very cute and the pacing was perfect.

Enjoy the fast read with spice and give the author some stars!


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