The Lies We Tell (The Intuitives Series Book 1) Author E. Y. Kelley

ARC Review

4.8 out of 5 stars!

Set to release on August 1, 2022!

First and foremost:

"And remember, to be kind to yourself and practice self-love and self-care. Even if it's with something that buzzes." - E. Y. Kelley

Secondly, please read the trigger warnings at the start of the book.

This book's prologue is a little intense and the contents help keep you from getting hit out of left field. By no means is this to scare you out of reading this amazing story! It's simply to prepare you so you know what you're jumping into. The prologue does do it's job in sucking you into the book!

We are in Northern Arizona at a sad event. Lex's sitting on her parent's porch trying to breath and be able to handle the rest of the day. The loss of her mom has hit Lexi hard. Causing the very logical and rational Lex to feel emotions she hasn't before.

Staying around for a little bit  to help out. Only Lex's practically chased off by two of her aunts, her mom's sisters. Because with funerals everyone comes out of the wood working wanting things left "to them". An item of her mother's has gone from a simple gift given to Lex to something more. Everyone wanting it, aggressively wanting it. To the point Nathan, Lexi's step-father, states for her to never give it to anyone.

Lex tries to return to college and her life living with her best friend Emmy. Having dealt with grief and all these intense emotions. Some completely taking over and causing her to feel sick. Wondering what's going on Dani shows up at her apartment randomly. Dani being the sweetest sister of her mom's and someone you can count on.

Lexi feels relief when Dani's around but after a much needed, enlightening conversation. . .Lexi's world spins on it's head. Finding out secrets about herself, her family, and her biological father. Not to mention her childhood friend and ex boyfriend, Kalob, is back. The icing on the cake? Kohl, and that's all I am going to say because I don't want to give away too much!

"He's like the stray dog that won't go away." Lex's thoughts on Kohl

I love Lexi and how she grows throughout the book. Regardless of the love interests being big idiots some of the time. I can understand Lex's journey and being overwhelmed. Having to break through and understand yourself and control. Even snapping at everyone to put them in their places.

"I am not breakable. I don't need a knight in shinning armor." - Lex

But she has such a great support system. One of them being her step-father, Nathan who always saw her as his. His figure as a father was amazing and I honestly just want to hug him!

"We are allowed to break, Alexis. We are allowed to hurt and be angry. It doesn't make you weak or fragile. You loved your mom and missing her is ok. You don't have to always be strong." - Nathan

From a personal stand point. . .This. . .this quote got me! That's all I wanted to hear when I was a teen dealing with issues. Allowing yourself to feel things and understand the emotions. Knowing that you are strong even if you need a moment. Not always having to be "perfect". This book hit very close to home, not in the sense of a family member loss. But the emotional part and the larger focus of the storyline.

Again, read the triggers. This book is emotional and all about the feels. I liked how the romance wasn't just clear cut and happily ever after. This is the first book so of course the cliffhanger. Author even tells her cast that "it doesn't get easier after this. . . Forgive me." So we are going to be in for a ride! There are very spicy MF scenes as well as language.

Enjoy this read and give the author some stars!


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