Monster's Bride Author R. K. Pierce

Book Review

4 out of 5 stars!

"We're just means to an end." - Irissa

Irissa's not having a good week at all. With a family tragedy she's barely able to work through the emotions of loosing someone dear to her before an announcement is made. A betrothal announcement. . . A betrothal to Prince Nor. . .a minotaur. The enemy who's been raiding Irissa's kingdom!

Not wanting to be a pawn or forced to marry the enemy, Irissa makes a scene until a reality slap hits her hard. With the focus of her people and her duty toward them, Irissa faces the minotaurs head on. Wasn't there a saying of grab the bull by the horns? She finds Nor isn't too pleased about the marriage either. Will the two be able to stand one another? Will their kingdoms truly have peace with one another? And did anyone consider the differences between minotaur and humans?

Irissa's a very strong-willed and stubborn woman! But she has a big heart and cares deeply for her kingdom. I enjoyed watching her arc and how she never backed down to a challenge. Even if the challenger was several times larger than her. Irissa has a sharp wit and tongue, using it freely against Nor when he tries to verbally joust with her.

"Names hold power, and you have none here." - Nor

This line got me! I was very impressed that when it was said to Irissa she didn't shrink into the castle walls. Grumpy Nor has no idea what he signed up for with Irissa. He's simply trying to do his duty as well and wasn't all that excited when the announcement was made about his soon to be "mate". He never expected Irissa to take over his life by storm.

I enjoyed all of the cast including the villain. Watching the characters figure out the how's and why's were interesting because of course you have to have drama! Irissa and Nor being center stage in it all and trying to connect the dots. I really loved Lizette and how she truly did help to balance Irissa. 

And though Nor will not admit it out loud, Orxy helped to balance him. Talking some sense into him when Nor needed it or didn't need it. I really loved Oryx and his personality! Especially when Oryx turned down an offer Nor made half jokingly and half serious about Irissa. Oryx's someone you just want to hug and I made a note about him and another cast member. This book doesn't just have one blossoming couple in it. . .

This is an enemies to lovers trope with close proximity. So there's some sharp banter back and forth along with light bullying. I did really love how in one scene Nor sensed Irissa wasn't feeling a hundred percent and dialed down the bullying. Even though they don't fully like one another and aren't enjoying the arrangement you can see the respect they hold. Though they'll never admit it out loud.

Nor's a minotaur and Irissa's a human, meaning there's a size difference. This is a monster's love book with the trope of being with a non human and figuring out how things will work. There's MF action and one hallway scene that I really enjoyed. . . If you know, you know. So read the book so you can know! But things are taken slowly and gently.

Language is in the book as well as violence. Raids have been happening so talk of that and some of the aftermath. There's a scene of SA in the story. (Sexual Assault) The scene's quickly stopped and the assaulter doesn't get very far. Just fair warning, it's a very swift and brief scene. The attacker does get instant karma for their actions.

I loved the witty banter, the enemies to lovers, the respect for one another, and so much more. Do enjoy this read with an arranged marriage and a happy ending. Don't forget to give the author some stars!


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