There's a Monster in the Woods: Spooky Boys 0.5 Author Fae Quin

Book Review

5 out of 5 stars!

" . . .I liked the way the scent of the woods clung to my skin for days after walking through it." - Ellis

Ellis is wishing someone would understand him and have a genuine connection with him. Not caring that he prefers to spend his time surrounded by nature and the wild woods instead of wrapped up in social media. But would anyone in town accept him, truly accept him for who he is?

An old poem is frequently sung amongst the small town. People whispering and stating there's a monster in the woods and to fear it. Offering up Sacrifices every Fall to please the monster. Ellis has never seen a monster in the woods, yet the wind blowing sounds a lot like crying. Do monsters really exist? Do monsters feel loneliness? And did anyone see where Ellis' homegrown tomatoes went?

"Maybe monsters needed companionship just like humans did." - Ellis

This book! When I started reading it, I completely got lost in the descriptions of the woods, feeling of fresh soil between your toes, and being free of life's shackles. In my notes for the book, I wrote down, "Ugh! I found my platonic soulmate! Or spirit animal?" Ellis is just everything!

To be able to unplug from society, not keeping up with all the socials, and not constantly having noise from electronics. . . Just to be out near the forest again and being able to look up into the sky and see all the stars! I honestly would just want to stay with Ellis for a while, possibly take up residency miles away from his home and visit him when I was allowed.

Ellis does love the life of solitude with his best boy, Rotho (a dog companion). But he's feeling the loneliness seep into his bones as he wishes for someone. Only no one in town is worth it and too much gossip has led to things. Ellis is soon starting to discover maybe the children's poem isn't just a silly little rhyme. . . 

"There was something about the wilderness inside him that called to me." - Ellis

What I loved the most about this romance between a male human and a monster was just the courting! It was so sweet and cute how the two slowly started getting closer to one another. The little gifts and helping hands, the fluffy, romantic buildup was EVERYTHING! Romance is more than just simply casting your clothes to the wind and diving in the sheets. This short novella showed that romance that I enjoy so much!

I love monster romances because they challenge the stereotypes of monsters just being evil and mean. I've seen many people that would put monsters to shame. . . Styx was just such a unique and amazing character. I loved how he interacted with Ellis and his thoughts on Ellis' dog Rotho. Just the flow of the two as they got to know each other and slowly started to allow one another in.

This book is one that I need a physical copy of so much! I wish to read it every Halloween! This romance is a very soothing and calming tale with all the fall feelings and spooky vibes. I liked how Ellis still had that fight or flight instinct with Styx, but you could tell he was coming around to the difference in appearance. 

There was a scene with some slight gore and mention of blood. But this is a very light read and not scary, more about the cozy spooky vibes. Nothing was drawn out or over the top detailed. There's language in the book and MM action. Monster tongue action and just the scene. . .it was very intimate and romantic between the two and just toe curling!

The book is a standalone and I believe the others in the series will be as well. Heard mention of coming books that may have cameos of characters from the previous reads. Just this was such a great novella, and I did NOT want to end it! I want more of the cast in this book.

It all started with a poem, a basket, and homegrown vegetables. Do enjoy this cozy, spooky tale with single POV and give the author some stars! 

Currently the book is being offered through Fae's newsletter. She did mention recently that the book will be in physical form and available through her shop!


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